Beginners guide to vaping

Posted by Mike HH on

Beginners Guide to Vaping

What is vaping?
This is the first question you should ask yourself as a beginner to vaping. You may also be wondering if it is safe, how much will it cost you, will it really work and the way to get started. Vaping is defined as an act of inhaling and exhaling vape liquid from an electronic cigarette.

How do you go about vaping?
There are different types of vaporisers which include E-cigarettes, pocket vapes, pen vaporisers and box mod vaporisers.

These types of vaporisers resemble actual cigarettes. They have replaceable cartridges that have e-liquid. This type of gadget is great and provides a new experience to all those that have little or have no experience when it comes to vaping. For beginners, getting the best vape starter kit UK is recommended

Pen Vaporisers
These vapes are designed in a certain way they resemble a pen. The pen has two main chambers, one that holds the battery and the other is an atomiser. The pen uses a flavoured liquid like grape flavoured vape liquid known as E-liquid which is stored in a tank that has the atomiser. It works after the atomiser is heated by the battery which then produces the vapour.

Box Mod Vaporisers
They are the most complicated and advanced type of vaporiser. They are made up of a large battery box and also a digital screen which enables one to adjust the settings. They are the best vaporisers when it comes to maximising the vapour intake in your body. The machine is recommended to those people who are more experienced in vaping. You can experiment with a variety of E liquids in UK.

What kind of E-liquid to use?
After getting yourself a vaporiser, you should think of what kind of e-liquid you want to use. E-liquid comes in different types of flavours. From tobacco flavoured e-liquid to grape flavour e-liquids and those e-liquids without nicotine. But most people prefer the tobacco flavour for it has the cigarette taste and others prefer it mixed with fruits or sweets. Nicotine levels in the e-liquids vary depending on user preferences. It is recommended that one should sample a few levels of nicotine to determine the best level that works for you. 

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