Common Misconceptions About Vaping?

Posted by Mike HH on

Cheap Vape Kits

Let's clear the air. There are a whole lot of misconceptions being heralded about vaping, they are not exactly true despite the fact that there are vape shops and e-liquid shops available in the united kingdom. This article will treat some few misconceptions and supply the facts alongside - we're just all about clearing the air!

"Vaping is the same thing as smoking". A lot of people think vaping is the exact same thing as smoking; the fact is that vaping is not smoking! It differs from it in many ways. A cigarette is made up of thousands of chemicals such as nicotine, carbon mono oxide, tar and DDT (Chlorophenothane) which predisposes its users to a lot of health risks some of which include increased risk of developing heart diseases, vascular diseases which affect the blood and increased risks of developing lung problems. Over time, smokers are known to have emphysema which affects normal breathing patterns. Nicotine which is addictive fills the lungs and reaches the brain quickly when it is smoked. This method makes the brain release a neurotransmitter called dopamine which gives pleasure and fosters addiction; this method also affects the lungs and reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to the body. This reduction in the oxygen content being supplied to the body affects it a lot and gradually disturbs the body's normal balance but e-cigarettes employed in vaping does not utilize the same mechanism as smoking, instead e-liquids which contain water, vape flavors, nicotine, and propylene glycol are the ingredients used and they do not contain as many cancerous substances as the traditional cigarettes. So we can see from these that they are different things.

E-cigarettes contain anti-freeze" is another misconception people have about vaping because e-liquids used in e-cigarettes contain propylene glycol. Now propylene glycol is an ingredient sometimes used in antifreeze as an extra ingredient to prevent injuries to a person that might accidentally ingest it but anti-freeze is not used in the manufacture of e-liquids because it contains a deadly substance called "ethylene glycol"-the similarity of names might have birthed the misconceptions - but no e-liquid contains antifreeze!

Furthermore, some people believe "e-cigarettes are not regulated hence they could be illegal". The fact is that there are stringent laws against vaping in the world.  All e-cigarettes have to comply with the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016 which defines all the available minimum standards that the e-cigarettes must follow. The stated facts prove the myths wrong. At vapes direct, we have cheap vape kits and e-cigarettes which will serve you just right.

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