List of the Best Tobacco Flavoured E-liquid Juices

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

List of the Best Tobacco Flavoured E-liquid Juices
Liqua is a name that trips of the tongue of the ardent vaper. It is a premium and high-quality E-liquid offering great value for money and with such a huge array of flavours, there is something for everyone. Vapes Direct stock a comprehensive range of the best tobacco flavoured E-liquid juices including LIQUA Ice Tobacco and LIQUA Sweet Tobacco but there are so many more tobacco flavours to choose from.

Liqua pride themselves on providing smokers with what is called the ‘real analogue’ feel, which means their e-liquids provide all the taste and physical sensations of smoking a cigarette whilst vaping, a prominent reason why they are so popular. Liqua also rates well for the PG/VG ratio.

What does PG/VG mean in E-liquids?
PG stands for Propylene Glycol while VG stands for Vegetable Glycerin, both are compounds added to e-liquids to enhance their performance. The recommended PG/VG ratio for beginners is 50/50 but this preference may change after a while. Some vapers like to increase the throat hit to a 70/30 PG/VG mix but this will produce large dense clouds. You can lessen the cloud density by adjusting the PG/VG ratio the other way to 30/70.

Tobacco based E-liquids are usually the first choice for new vapers. Here is a list of the best tobacco flavoured E-liquid Juices:

  • Black Note Forte – robust with deep tobacco flavours, this is one brand which is also popular with cigar smokers
  • Black Note Prelude – ideal for roll-up smokers transitioning into vaping with luscious Golden Virginia tobacco base notes
  • Liqua Turkish Tobacco E-Liquid – a warm, sweet honey finish and a spicy oriental aroma, this is one sophisticated E-liquid with 50% VG
  • LIQUA Ice Tobacco – American style tobacco with a mixture of fruits, ice and mint, this is a re-brand of an old favourite
  • LIQUA Sweet Tobacco – the classic taste of traditional tobacco with creamy vanilla and warm caramel notes, just delicious

For an extensive selection of tobacco flavoured E-Liquids which give you that real tobacco hit, pick Vapes Direct. Our best sellers include LIQUA Ice Tobacco and LIQUA Sweet TobaccoFind out more on our website

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