Blog — Best Vape Coils

how to fix a burnt coil in a disposable vape?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

how to fix a burnt coil in a disposable vape?

The last thing you want to happen when you take a puff on your vape is to get nasty, burnt tasting clouds due to a burnt coil. If the coil in a disposable vape has burnt out, there’s not much you can do due to the self-contained design of disposables.

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How to clean and maintain your vapour coils?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

How to clean and maintain your vapour coils?

If your coils are burning out faster than you expected, you’re probably not caring for them the way you should.  Sometimes the coil may be faulty, but the most common cause of a burnt out coil is user error.

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The Best Vape Coils for Your E-Cigarette

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

The Best Vape Coils for Your E-Cigarette

The coil is a critical component of an e-cigarette because it is responsible for heating the e-juice and turning it into an inhalable vapour. 

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