Blog — smok vape pen

Smok Novo Pods or Vaporesso Vape Kits: Which One?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Smok Novo Pods or Vaporesso Vape Kits: Which One?

Two of the most established vape brands are SMOK and Vaporesso. When it comes to choosing one of their incredible vape kits, you might be wondering which one is right for you. Read on to find out more about some of the e-cig starter kits available from Vaporesso and SMOK.SMOK Novo KitDon’t let the size of the SMOK Novo kit fool you. One of the more fashionable starter kits, it offers a discreet vape that puts a ton of power into the palm of your hand. This kit can reach up to 25 watts and comes with a  long lasting...

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The Best ever Smok Novo Comparison with Kits and pods

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

The Best ever Smok Novo Comparison with Kits and pods

If you've not heard about SMOK then you’ve been missing out. SMOK novo are a leading vape brand that produce some of the worlds most popular vape kits, pods and e-cigarette start kits.

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Best Disposable Vape Kits and Pods

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Best Disposable Vape Kits and Pods

Disposable vape kits are a single use vape kit that comes with liquid already pre-filled. Some kits come with a non-reachable battery; once the E-liquid or battery is fully drained just throw it away and grab a new one.  We also carry disposable pod vapes, with a style that lets you stick to one charging component with the freedom to change the E-liquid pod when its finished. Here, we have broken down 2 of our best disposable vape kits so that you can choose which best suits your vaping style. Nasty Fix Nasty fix is a range by Nasty Juice....

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