Blog — vape juice online

The Best Online Vape Shop

Posted by avtar sehmi on

The Best Online Vape Shop

The Best Vape Shop Online  At Vapesdirect we hold one of the largest inventories of Vape Products in the UK. Offering a wide range of Vape Kits, Disposable Devices, Nic Salts, Short Fills, Replacement Coils and more, for everything vaping we've got your back.   Our aim is to supply our everyday vaping customers with the highest quality products. It is our mission to guide and transition many smokers into the vaping world. We provide a service second to none to our customers as you can see from our reviews. Our Focus is to continually provide you with essential, authentic...

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Choosing the best Edge E-liquid and Double Drip Nic Salts

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Choosing the best Edge E-liquid and Double Drip Nic Salts

There is a reason Edge E-liquid and Double Drip Nic Salts are two of the most purchased vape juices in the UK. They are both highly rated among vapers not only because of their creative and delicious vape flavours, but because of how high quality they are.

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What is Vapril?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

What is Vapril?

Here at Vapes Direct we are proud to support Vapril. The Vapril challenge was introduced to the world back in 2018 and is one of the largest national campaigns aimed at helping smokers successfully switch to vaping. Vapril offers those who might not be ready or willing to quit an informational and supportive approach benefiting the switch from smoking to vaping. The Public Health of England has stated that Vaping is 95% less harmful than cigarettes. That information alone should make anyone want you to stop smoking but if it hasn’t convinced you just yet, here are some additional reasons...

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The Best Vape Juice to Buy During the Lockdown

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

The Best Vape Juice to Buy During the Lockdown

As a new vape devotee, you might be interested to find out the best or most popular vape juice online or perhaps you are an experienced vaper and feel you should branch out and try some different tastes?  If you are looking to buy vape juice online with really good flavour then check out the full range that Vapes Direct offer with a comprehensive selection of tried and trusted flavours from all the top brands. Finding the best vape juice flavour is like working out the most favourite tastes in tea – there are a huge variety of options and...

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How to choose the best vape juice?

Posted by Mike HH on

How to choose the best vape juice?

This is really overwhelming and also intimidating task for those people who are new to vaping. But the truth is it is important to get to know what really works for you. With various vape juice options available online, picking your favourite is even more difficult. When it comes to vape juice there are three things you get to know of which include nicotine levels, flavour, Propylene Glycol (PV) and the Vegetable Glycerol (VG).How to choose the right nicotine content?The nicotine content varies from one type of e-juice to another. Different brands offer different options of vape juice online where...

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