Blog — Vape Liquid UK

The Battle of E-Liquids: Will Nasty Juice, Vampire Vape or Edge Take the Crown?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

The Battle of E-Liquids: Will Nasty Juice, Vampire Vape or Edge Take the Crown?

Three of the most popular brands of e-liquids in the UK are Vampire Vape, Nasty Juice, and EDGE.

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Liqua Mix Shortfills: Must try E-liquid to try!

Posted by Dee Haarty on

Liqua Mix Shortfills: Must try E-liquid to try!

Liqua Mix & Go Shortfills are some of the best tasting tobacco e-liquids in the UK and can be bought online at low prices with quick delivery from Vapes Direct. 

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How to enhance the Flavour of E-Liquids

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

How to enhance the Flavour of E-Liquids

E-liquids are all about the flavour and so it can be disappointing if you choose a new taste and it just doesn’t deliver. Vapes Direct sells only top quality e-liquids including Liqua e-liquids and best sellers like grape flavour e-liquids.  Buy e-liquids for your vape from Vapes Direct, we offer one of the best selections of premier eliquids.  You need look no further if you want to buy e-liquids in the UK. How can you maximise the flavour of your e-liquid? Check out the e-liquid that you are using, if you think the flavour is disappointing then look at the...

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Common Myths About E-Cigarettes

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

Common Myths About E-Cigarettes

If you are considering switching from cigarettes to vaping, or have already made the change, you may have become concerned about myths about e-cigarettes. With e-cigarettes and vaping becoming more popular, it is not surprising that false claims have been made across social media and on some websites. At Vapes Direct, your safety is our priority.Myth E-CigarettesThe first myth is that e-cigarettes are not regulated. This is untrue, as UK e-cigarettes are tightly regulated for safety and quality. They don’t contain tobacco or produce carbon monoxide. This is positive as these are two very harmful substances contained within cigarette smoke.The...

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