Blog — Vape Mods UK

How Often Should You Replace Your Refillable Pods?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

How Often Should You Replace Your Refillable Pods?

Refillable pod system devices are fantastic vapes that give you the best of both worlds. Portable and easy enough to use like a vape pen but with the power of a vape mod, pod mods give off great tasting vapour you can have anywhere and anytime.

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Top 5 Best Box Mods You Should Try!

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

Top 5 Best Box Mods You Should Try!

Box mods are powerful devices that provide a more sophisticated vaping experience than disposable vapes and vape pens. 

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A Guide to Box Mods and Vape Mods

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

A Guide to Box Mods and Vape Mods

Many vapers begin with a starter kit or a vape pen. These are fantastic devices for novices because they are easy to use and often come with everything you need to vape right in the box.

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What is a Box Mod Vape? A Guide to High Watt Vaping with Box Mods

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

What is a Box Mod Vape? A Guide to High Watt Vaping with Box Mods

In addition to being better for your health, vapes come with chipsets and software that can contain a lot of impressive technology.

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What Are The Best Box Mods? Which Brands Do You Prefer?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

What Are The Best Box Mods? Which Brands Do You Prefer?

Gone are the days where having a more advanced box mod means lugging around a cumbersome and heavy piece of kit. Vape mods have come a long way over the years, so you can get sleek box mods that are comfortable and portable without compromising on features or power. SMOK Rigel Mini ModThe Rigel Mini is the smaller version of the original Rigel, but it still has a lot of power: its single 18650 battery puts out an impressive 80W. This box mod’s design makes leaks a thing of the past and it has child-proof features to keep your kids safe....

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