Blog — Vape Pens UK

7 Celebrities Who Switched to E-Cigs

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

7 Celebrities Who Switched to E-Cigs

Even though we rarely see actors and actresses smoking cigarettes on screen these days, that doesn’t mean they don’t smoke off screen. Except they aren’t always smoking cigarettes! Many celebrities have switched to e-cigarettes and have become big supporters of vaping.

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How to Choose A Vape Kit to Suit Your Needs?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

How to Choose A Vape Kit to Suit Your Needs?

Looking for a vape unit can be quite daunting as there are quite a few kinds of e-cigarettes. Finding the best that suits your necessities can become a difficult task and you may need to seek advice from others as well. But even that can become confusing sometimes.So the question is how can you pick the right vape kit? Don’t worry, this article will assist you in choosing the best vape kit that will suit your requirements. Let’s start! Know What You Want Before anything, you should know the kind of e-cig you need.  That means researching. Try searching keywords...

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How to Choose your First Vape Kit

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

How to Choose your First Vape Kit

If you are ready to stop smoking and switch to vaping, the choice of vape pens in UK, flavoured e-liquids and vape kits can be overwhelming. At Vapes Direct we stock a range of cheap vape kits that will help you cut cigarettes from your life forever and save your health and money. We all have individual tastes and we understand that you want a vape that does the job whilst being appealing to look at.Vaporesso Target MiniThis pocket-sized design is small but mighty. Despite it’s small size, it produces the richest flavour imaginable and provides cleaner and easier refilling....

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