Blog — vape shop london

Why You Should Try Double Drip Nic Salts?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Why You Should Try Double Drip Nic Salts?

Double Drip has made quite the name for itself in the vaping world due to its phenomenal range of e-cigarette liquid. Anyone who has tried them can tell you Double Drip makes some of the tastiest and high quality e-cig liquids on the market.

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Do Double Drip Nic Salts Help You Stop Smoking?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Do Double Drip Nic Salts Help You Stop Smoking?

Quitting smoking is difficult enough without assistance. Using e-cigarettes as an aid to quit is helpful, but you may find your cravings are not held at bay well enough.  If so, then nic salts may be the solution. Nic salts use the same type of nicotine that is found in cigarettes whereas standard e-cigarette liquid uses a refined form of nicotine, making them less potent.E-liquids mix pure nicotine with propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerine (VG) and flavourings. While vapers will get a hit of nicotine with e-liquid, this nicotine isn’t absorbed into the body the same way as cigarette nicotine. Nic...

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Top 4 Vape Juice Flavours You Should Try

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Top 4 Vape Juice Flavours You Should Try

It is easy to get stuck in a rut and find yourself buying the same vape juice flavours time and time again. If you are ready to mix things up with new flavours, look no further than Double Drip Nic Salts. Double Drip’s wide range of E-liquids are manufactured in the UK and are highly rated for their quality and taste. Your tastebuds will thank you when you try two of their most popular E-liquids: Cherry Bakewell Tart and Menthol Mist.Double Drip Nic Salts Cherry Bakewell TartBring afternoon tea to your vaping experience with Double Drip Nic Salts E-Liquid Cherry...

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What are Double Drip Nic Salts?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

What are Double Drip Nic Salts?

Double Drip Nic Salts are a well-known UK based E-liquid brand with a phenomenal selection of flavours. Inspired by the variety of nicotine-free E-liquids ranges, they provide an equally diverse selection of pure nicotine flavours with smooth tastes and throat hits that are less harsh compared to similar strength E-liquids. Because of their high dosage of nicotine, Double Drip Nic Salts offer powerful flavour and quick relief from nicotine cravings, making it ideal for people who have recently made the switch from smoking to vaping. What Device Can I Use with Double Drip Nic salts? It is always important to...

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