Blog — Vape Tanks

What is the Best Tank and Coil for Vaping?

Posted by avtar sehmi on

What is the Best Tank and Coil for Vaping?

Aspire makes some of the best vape tanks and vape coils available in the UK. Their sophisticated and stylish products are perfect for beginner and intermediate vapers alike. 

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Choosing the Right Vape Tank for You

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Choosing the Right Vape Tank for You

Now that you have your vape, you might be wondering which tank you should use to get the most out of your vaping experience. Tanks, sometimes referred to as atomisers, are the part of the vape that holds your E-liquid. Inside of the tank is the coil which is responsible for heating up the E-liquid and creating the satisfying vapours you inhale.Aspire, a leader in e-cigarettes and accessories, offers premium tanks packed full of technology and features that will keep you satisfied. Read on to find out more about the different types of Aspire tanks and discover which one is...

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Difference Between Vape Tanks and Vape Coils

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Difference Between Vape Tanks and Vape Coils

What are Vape Tanks? You have come a long way from vape starter kits and want to expand your vaping horizons but not sure what key elements allow the process to happen. The tank is known as the special component to hold your e-liquid, coil, wick, and battery. There are two different tanks to choose from, each which offer a different vaping experience.   Sub Ohm Vape Tank – The most popular tank out there is the sub ohm vape tank. These tanks offer a lower resistance for vapers. The coil resistance is below 1 ohm and they are easy...

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