The Best 21700 Vape Batteries

Posted by avtar sehmi on

Vape Batteries 20700 and 21700


There Many types of batteries available for Vape Kits.

A Vape battery is one of the most important parts of your vape kit. The Ecig battery you choose will determine how long you can vape for between charges, how much vapour you can produce and the coils that are compatible with your device.

High capacity Vape kit batteries will allow you to vape all day. Larger batteries usually have high capacity, while smaller batteries usually (not always) have lower capacities and will need to be charged more often.

Make sure you never run out of power for your Ecig with our selection of vaping batteries. Whether you need a replacement or just a spare for your vape kit, then you can get your Batteries here. Keeping a fully charged battery for your vape kit is a great way to ensure you never get caught out.


Our low priced ecig Vape batteries means you can afford to buy without spending a fortune.  Keep one battery charging and vape with the other so that you never have to wait for the battery to recharge as that can take some time depending on size of battery.

All our batteries are 100% genuine, tested and certified by our supplier. Please take care when using any battery, read our safety info to ensure you keep your batteries safe.

The 18650 battery size are the most common batteries in the Vaping community. They are readily available, reliable, extensively tested, and the vast majority of mods come with 18650 compatibility. While newer batteries, such as 20700 and 21700, have raised the stakes, we rarely see them in dual or triple battery vape mods due to their larger size. Manufacturers still lean on 18650 as they combine a smaller size with tried and tested performance. We have already covered 18650 vape batteries in another articles, which you can follow from here.



Vape Batteries 20700

The 20700 vape battery came around mid-2017, with Vape Kits like the Geekvape Aegis Max Kit. Besides vape mods, 20700 batteries are also being used for cordless power tools, flashlights, and electric vehicles. In vaping however 20700s have been gaining traction for a while, but they are now being phased out as most 20700-compatible mods can fit the better performing 21700 vape battery cells.

So we will not be disclosing the best performing 20700 vape battery we will delve right into the newer popular 21700 vape Battery.

21700s are the latest batteries for vaping. They are considered an upgrade over 20700s and 18650s because they come with a larger capacity and can generally be operated at higher wattages. With more and more companies coming out with 21700-compatible vape mods lately, these batteries are considered by many to be the future of vaping. Outside of vaping, 21700s are mainly used in the electric vehicle market (electric bikes and cars).

The continuous discharge rating of the Molicel P42A may be exaggerated, but it’s a great 30A cell for vaping up to 90 watts. The best all-around 21700 battery on the market right now, the P42A may lack the output to directly compete with the Samsung 30T but makes up for it with its whopping 4000 mAh capacity!

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