Everything You Need to Know About E-Liquids Before Buying One

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

 best e-liquid in the UK

Vaping can be a highly effective method to help smokers in the UK quit their unhealthy habits. According to a 2019 Opinions and Lifestyle Survey from the Office for National Statistics, 52.8% of today’s vapers started to vape to quit cigarette smoking.

Since the popularity of vaping continues to soar, the sales of premium e-liquid in the UK have increased significantly. So if you plan to shift to vaping and looking forward to buying the best e-liquid in the UK, here are the things you need to know.

What is an E-Liquid?

The e-liquid, otherwise known as a vape juice, e-juice, or e-cig juice, is the liquid loaded in electronic cigarettes that turn into vapour. It has a wide range of flavours, nicotine strength, and viscosities.

What is in an E-Liquid?

The standard e-liquid comes with three to four essential ingredients. The list includes:

  • Propylene glycol (PG) - The odourless liquid uplifts your vape juice flavour. It is also responsible for giving vapers the “throat hit” feeling that usually comes with the traditional cigarette.
  • Vegetable glycerin (VG) - The thick and sweet substance that helps enhance the e-liquid’s vape production.
  • Flavouring - The best e-liquid in the UK differs according to your flavour preference. You can get anything from menthol, tobacco, fruit, or dessert. Its addition boosts your vaping experience.
  • Nicotine - This significant yet optional ingredient makes vaping and cigarette smoking addicting. You may look for an e-cig liquid with or without this substance. But if you want to transition from smoking to vaping in the long run, picking a vape juice with some traces of nicotine is your best bet.

How to Pick Your Nicotine Strength?

When choosing the nicotine strength, you must consider your smoking habits to understand which one suits you.

For social smokers, getting a vape liquid with 3mg could be enough to satisfy your nicotine cravings. However, light smokers can reach a maximum strength of 6mg for a nicotine buzz

But if you are an average smoker, vape juices with 12mg can be helpful. On the other hand, heavy smokers must choose e-juices with 18mg of nicotine to make it easier for them to shift to vaping.

How to Choose E-liquid Flavour?

Picking your ideal e-liquid flavour depends on your taste. There are literally hundreds or thousands of flavours to choose from, but you can find your favourite treats and scents to help you make up your mind. You may also pick something with tobacco if you want a cigarette-like vaping experience.

Vaping can be more enjoyable if you have the right vape juice. So, pick the one that suits your needs to get the most out of the big switch.

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