Is LIQUA Ice Tobacco Better Than Regular Tobacco?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

LIQUA Ice Tobacco

There are so many different flavours and blends of e-liquid that the possibilities are nearly limitless. From sweets, to fruits, to desserts, to drinks and menthol, you can have just about any flavour vapour you can think of.

Some people, however, prefer the more classic taste of tobacco but until recently the only way to inhale that taste was to smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes are extremely hazardous for your health, though, and give you far more than tobacco every time you light up. A single cigarette can carry thousands of toxic chemicals and compounds that wreak havoc through your entire body.

If you love tobacco but don’t want to put yourself at risk with cigarettes, tobacco flavoured vape liquid should be right up your alley! One of the highest rated e-liquid companies known for its tobacco e-liquids is LIQUA.

LIQUA E-liquids

LIQUA produces a wide range of all-day vape juices that are just as delicious at the first puff as the last. Their e-liquids are made with only the highest quality ingredients to create intense, authentic, and natural flavours. They are perhaps best known for their affordable tobacco inspired e-liquids that come as shortfills and as 10ml bottles in 3mg, 6mg, 12mg, and 18mg strengths.

LIQUA Sweet Tobacco

This e-liquid gives you the best of both worlds, combing the taste ofsugary sweetness and earthy tobacco within one bottle. It’s a traditional tobacco e-liquid topped with the sweet notes of vanilla and decadent caramel.

LIQUA Traditional Tobacco

A classic tobacco flavour with hints of sandalwood to give you a sweet and spicy fragrance. This bold flavour has an earthy inhale that is perfectly balanced by the floral note of sandalwood on the exhale.

LIQUA Turkish Tobacco E-liquid

This exotic flavour is full of depth and nuance. It combines the sweetness of honey with a spicy and smoky tobacco finish. This is a vibrant and unique flavour you’ll only find from LIQUA.

LIQUA Ice Tobacco

For fans of tobacco who want to try something refreshing and revitalizing, there’s LIQUA Ice Tobacco. It’s inspired by the taste of American Tobacco and has hints of fruit, caramel, and mint to give you a truly cool and exhilarating experience.

You can buy these flavours and more from the UK’s leading online vape shop, Vapes Direct. Visit our website today to buy affordable and delicious LIQUA e-liquids like LIQUA Ice Tobacco and LIQUA Sweet Tobacco.

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