Blog — E Liquids

Vape the way through?

Posted by Mike HH on

Vape the way through?

                               Do you belong to the category of people who think quitting smoking is quite difficult? Or do you belong to the category of people who have tried quitting and did not succeed? Here is some good news. There is an alternative that will help you transition from smoking and it is called vaping! Well, it's not a totally hard thing to do. Vaping is an option entirely different from smoking, which saves us a lot of risks that smoking comes with.  Though many people confuse...

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Common Misconceptions About Vaping?

Posted by Mike HH on

Common Misconceptions About Vaping?

Let's clear the air. There are a whole lot of misconceptions being heralded about vaping, they are not exactly true despite the fact that there are vape shops and e-liquid shops available in the united kingdom. This article will treat some few misconceptions and supply the facts alongside - we're just all about clearing the air!"Vaping is the same thing as smoking". A lot of people think vaping is the exact same thing as smoking; the fact is that vaping is not smoking! It differs from it in many ways. A cigarette is made up of thousands of chemicals such...

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