Blog — Vapesdirect

Common Misconceptions About Vaping?

Posted by Mike HH on

Common Misconceptions About Vaping?

Let's clear the air. There are a whole lot of misconceptions being heralded about vaping, they are not exactly true despite the fact that there are vape shops and e-liquid shops available in the united kingdom. This article will treat some few misconceptions and supply the facts alongside - we're just all about clearing the air!"Vaping is the same thing as smoking". A lot of people think vaping is the exact same thing as smoking; the fact is that vaping is not smoking! It differs from it in many ways. A cigarette is made up of thousands of chemicals such...

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4 Best E-Juice Flavours of 2018

Posted by Mike HH on

4 Best E-Juice Flavours of 2018

Finding the best e-juice flavour is a never-ending quest, but one filled with delicious flavours, from mouth-watering fruits and sweet desserts though to cocktail and cereal-inspired flavours. More than anything else, though, taste in e-liquid is genuinely subjective and saying that any particular blend is the best juice is entirely relative. But here we have found top 4 vape juices in 2018, on popular demand! Zeus Aphrodite's Affair A fruity combination of strawberries, cherries, dark chocolate and cream incorporate this flavourful sweet creation from Zeus juice e-flavours. First comes the chocolate that is much milkier than you realise it would...

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