What E-Liquid Flavours are trending in 2022?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

What E-Liquid Flavours are trending in 2022
Even if you have a top of the line vape and all the best accessories, if you aren’t using an e-liquid you like the taste of, you won’t have a very good vaping session. You want what is called in the vaping world “an all day vape” liquid, meaning an e-liquid you’ll love to inhale all day.

To help keep you and your vape happy in 2022, we’ve rounded up some of the best e-liquids trending right now in the UK.

Choosing the Flavour for You
There are an endless amount of flavours available when it comes to e-liquids, but most fall into one of a few categories: menthol, tobacco, fruit, sweets, foods, and drinks.

  • Menthol: E-liquids that can be icy and minty either on their own, or mixed with another flavour. Especially popular are fruit vape juices mixed with mint and this year you’ll see more exotic minty fruit flavours being released like lychee and dragonfruit.
  • Tobacco: Sometimes you just want that tobacco flavour you used to love. You can vape the deeply rich notes of tobacco without having to worry about the harsh side effects of cigarettes. You can find tobacco on its own or mixed with notes of honey, vanilla, and wood to name a few.
  • Fruit: Fruit flavours are consistently a favourite in the vaping world. Who wouldn’t want to taste sweet things all day without having to worry about the calories? You can find single fruit flavours, mixed fruit flavours, and fruit mixed with other tastes like aniseed and menthol.
  • Sweets: Many vapers, especially when they first start vaping, prefer sweet flavours in their vapour. If you have a sweet tooth but don’t want to limit yourself to fruit flavours, you can find an e-liquid inspired by just about any dessert you can think of. Cheesecake, apple pie, cherry bakewell, and lemon sherbet are some flavours you’ll see being raved about.

Liqua Mix and Go Shortfills
Liqua Mix and Go Shortfills have several different flavours to meet the demands of experienced and beginner vapers alike. Their vape liquid include Liqua Mix and Go Bright Tobacco, Liqua Mix and Go Berry Mix, and Liqua Mix and Go Sweet Tobacco.

To start your 2022 right, get some of the best e-liquid in the UK from Vapes Direct. Find these and more at incredible prices in our online shop.

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