Blog — Vape Battery Chargers

How to Troubleshoot Common Problems with Vape Battery Chargers?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

How to Troubleshoot Common Problems with Vape Battery Chargers?

Having a dedicated vape battery charger gives you the freedom to choose which vape batteries you want to use. A charger also allows you to have a spare set of batteries so that you’ll never have to worry about running out of charged batteries.

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Can you charge different types of vape batteries using the same charger?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

Can you charge different types of vape batteries using the same charger?

Upgrading to a more powerful vape mod gives you the opportunity for bigger, more intense clouds. Most vape mods use one or two external batteries. You can recharge the batteries through your vape, but for the best output and capacity you should invest in a dedicated vape battery charger.

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Can bad coil damage vape battery?

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

Can bad coil damage vape battery?

The condition of your vape battery can impact the quality and taste of your vapour as well as your device’s overall performance. Like any other electronic device, you need to take care of the batteries and other components to keep your vape safe and in good working order.

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5 Pro Tips to Extend Your E-Cigarette Battery Life

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

5 Pro Tips to Extend Your E-Cigarette Battery Life

Your e-cig battery needs to be properly charged and in good condition to get the most out of your vape. Whether your vape battery is built into your device or you have removable batteries, maintaining your vape batteries is necessary to extend its life.

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Different types of vape battery chargers and their features.

Posted by Amit Bhagalia on

Different types of vape battery chargers and their features.

Every single vape has a battery within it that is responsible for heating up your e-liquid to turn it into vapour. Vape pens, disposable vapes, and less advanced vapes usually have a battery built in while more advanced mods tend to use removable batteries. 

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