Blog — short fill e-liquids

Know the easiest vaping tricks

Posted by Mike HH on

Know the easiest vaping tricks

Vaping has gained popularity over the years and now it is the norm of the society from the normal smoking of traditional cigarettes. Most people believe that vaping is less harmful compared to traditional cigarettes and marijuana. Using your vape pens in UK, you can also do various cool tricks which include Ghost Inhale, Vapour Bubble, Waterfall, Dragon, Tornado, both double and triple O’s, French Inhale, and bull ring among others. In order to perform these tricks, you need to have a good vape mod and also a sub-ohm vape tank.Ghost InhaleThis is a trick that even a newbie in...

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Getting A Dose Of The Right Stuff?

Posted by Mike HH on

Getting A Dose Of The Right Stuff?

Are you in search of the right kind of short fill e-liquid to make your vaping enjoyable? Then you should read on!  Vaping is definitely the right option for you. Which involves the usage of an e-cigarette or a personal vaporizer in the place of what is normally called the "traditional cigarette" which has been found to be more harmful. Vaping has been approved to be a lot safer than actual smoking since there is really no smoke being produced to cause harm to the vaper. Some do not really know that vaping entails the use of an e-cigarette or...

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